Audacious Glory
Courage, bravery, audacity, valour.. Are all these words similar? Yes! All these words mean the SAME, and this “same” is different in every world. In the world of a 4-year-old boy, courage would mean being able to fall asleep alone, in a room away from his parents, away from a mom’s lap, from a dad’s warmth for he has become BRAVE enough to combat those monsters under his bed, which might attack him any time. In the world of a 16-year-old, courage would mean having a voice of her/his own, and making sure that that voice is never left unheard for he/she is BRAVE enough to speak up instead of being one among the bleating herd of sheep. The ones who are able to fight the demons inside oneself are considered to be lion-hearted. He/she is labelled to be STRONG if the person knows to hide pain and fear. That person will become BRAVE only when he/she chooses to confront agony, pain, danger or intimidation. This courage is totally DIFFERENT, yet very SIMILAR to the courage of a 4-year...